Park Ranger Training Program

Northern Arizona University
Parks & Recreation Management Program

Northern Arizona University

Policy Statements


NAU's Safe Working and Learning Environment Policy seeks to prohibit discrimination and promote the safety of all individuals within the university. The goal of this policy is to prevent the occurrence of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status and to prevent sexual harassment, sexual assault, or retaliation by anyone at this university.

You may obtain a copy of this policy from the college dean's office. If you have concerns about this policy, it is important that you contact the departmental chair, dean's office, the Office of Student Life (523-5181), the academic ombudsperson (523-9368), or NAU's Office of Affirmative Action (523-3312).


If you have a learning and/or physical disability, you are encouraged to make arrangements for class assignments/exams so your academic performance will not suffer because of the disability or handicap. If you have questions about special provisions for students with disabilities, contact the Counseling and Testing Center (523-2261).

It is your responsibility to register with the Counseling and Testing Center. Application for services should be made at least eight weeks before the start of the semester.

If the Counseling and Testing Center verifies your eligibility for special services, you should consult with your instructor during the first week in the semester so appropriate arrangements can be made. Concerns related to noncompliance with appropriate provisions should be directed to the Disability Support Services
coordinator in the Counseling and Testing Center.


Any study involving observation of or interaction with human subjects that originates at NAU-including a course project, report, or research paper-must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research and research-related activities.

The IRB meets once each month. Proposals must be submitted for review at least fifteen working days before the monthly meeting. You should consult with your course instructor early in the course to ascertain if your project needs to be reviewed by the IRB and/or to secure information or appropriate forms and procedures for the IRB review. Your instructor and department chair or college dean must sign the application for approval by the IRB. The IRB categorizes projects into three levels depending on the nature of the project: exempt from further review, expedited review, or full board review. If the IRB certifies that a project is exempt from further review, you need not resubmit the project for continuing IRB review as long as there are no modifications in the exempted procedures.

A copy of the IRB Policy and Procedures Manual is available in each department's administrative office and each college dean's office. If you have questions, contact Carey Conover, Office of Grant and Contract Services, at 523-4889.


The university takes an extremely serious view of violations of academic integrity. As members of the academic community, NAU's administration, faculty, staff, and students are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the educational process. Inherent in this commitment is the belief that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the basic principles of integrity and impedes learning.

It is the responsibility of individual faculty members to identify instances of academic dishonesty and recommend penalties to the department chair or college dean in keeping with the severity of the violation. Penalties may range from verbal chastisement to a failing grade in the course. 

Any incidences of academic dishonesty will result in the immediate suspension of the offending student(s) from the PRTP and failure (F) for the course.

The complete policy on academic integrity is in Appendix F of NAU's Student Handbook.


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