Getting Started

If this is your first time in the class, you should:

1.Read the Help page.
2.Read Getting Started & Course Syllabus.

How the course is taught

The class is divided into seven modules and three assignments. Each module contains one or more topics. Contained within each topic is an on-line lesson of relevant materials from your textbook, including web links to related information. The on-line lessons are intended to guide you through the reading.

You should read and complete each topic in order by the due dates listed. Generally, each topic will consist of required reading(s) from the text book, presentation of on-line materials, on-line activities, an assignment, and some form of communication.

How this course is organized

PRM 300 Ecotourism is divided into six major areas. Buttons for these areas appear at the top of each page in the course. The
six areas are:

Getting Started
This page. "Attending" a class over the internet is different from attending a class on a traditional campus. This page will
help you learn how readings, assignments, communication, and other class functions are handled in a virtual classroom

Course Syllabus
The syllabus contains important information about such items as objectives, expectations and grading. As with any course,
you should read the syllabus carefully before beginning any course work.

The Class
This is likely where you will spend most of your time. Required readings, course notes, assignments, and activities are
presented in this area.

To communicate with any member of the course - student(s) or instructor - visit the communication page.

NAU Cline Library has collected many resources available to students enrolled in the course. These resources are
available from the library page. If you find something you think should be included, please send me e-mail.

The help page is designed to help you deal with technical issues and problems related to this course.

Required Readings

Required Text: Lindberg, K. & Hawkins, D. (1993). Ecotourism: A Guide for Planners and Managers. North Bennington, VT: The Ecotourism Society.

Recommended Additional Reference Texts

McLaren, D. (1998). Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press

The reading assignments will look like this:

READING: TEXT Chapters 4,5
You are required to read all text assignments. It is recommended that you read the text and on-line lesson before completing any of the assignments. You are required to read the on-line lessons. These lessons are marked throughout the course in this manner:

ON-LINE LESSON: Study Guide Exercises


Each of the topics in this course have at least one assignment. You must complete each of these assignments to pass the class.
The method of completing assignments will vary. Late assignments will not be penalized 25 points..

See an overview of the modules, topics and assignments for this course.
(You should print this out and check off each item as you complete it).

Assignments are marked with one of these icons.

Individual Assignment
Group Assignment

Web Activities

Throughout the class you will be asked to complete activities using the internet. Usually these activities will coincide with
assignments. You will be given an idea to research, and a few pointers about how and where to begin your research.

Each Web activity is marked with this icon.


Communication is an important part of this course. You will be expected to communicate frequently with the instructor. 

On line discussions will be conducted from the new NAU Virtual Conference Center. To access the NAU VCC, go to the
Communicate page and click on the "Go to the Virtual Conference Center" button.

Group communication will be accomplished either using NAU VCC or via e-mail. Pay close attention to the assignment to see
which method of communication is to be used. In any case, communication with your group can be initiated from the
Communicate page.

Private (one on one) communication with any member of the class or the professor can be conducted via email. Students' e-mail addresses are listed on the Communicate page.

Send E-mail to:


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