Limits of Acceptable Change: A
Framework for Managing National Protected Areas:
Experiences from the United States
Stephen F. McCool Professor,
School of Forestry The University of Montana Missoula, Montana 59812 USA
The Limits of Acceptable Change
(LAC) planning system was developed in response to growing recognition in the U
.S. that attempts to define and implement recreational carrying capacities for
national park and wilderness protected areas were both excessively
reductionistic and failing. The carrying capacity concept itself, while useful
in a generic way to encourage discussion about visitor impacts, was based on
biological models of the capability of resources to sustain a given number of
animals over a period of time on a particular range or pasture. Such models did
not transfer well into ecosystems being managed for human benefits based
primarily on recreational experiences that were not themselves well understood.
LAC was based on the recognition that ( 1) specific objectives were needed to
identify what it was that management was to protect, (2) change is always
present in nature-dominated systems, (3) any recreational use leads to some
change, (4) management is therefore confronted with the question ofhow much
change is acceptable, and (5) monitoring of the outcomes of management is needed
to determine if actions were effective. In the U .S., LAC was first implemented
in designated Wilderness managed by the USDA Forest Service. Since that time,
additional work has been conducted in other areas, such as national parks using
a derivative system termed the Visitor Experience and Resource Protection
planning process. It has also been tested as system for management of tourism
Keywords: Limits of Acceptable Change -Carrying Capacity -Visitor Impact Management Introduction
The growing awareness that
designation of protected areas does not ensure their preservation has
stimulated an enormous level of
discussion globally in recent years. Issues of cross-jurisdictional
relationships, rights of indigenous people, off -site induced impacts and
management of recreational uses have broadened the arena of both scientific and
public debate beyond the biology of these areas. While the biophysical
characteristics of many protected areas remain the fundamental rationale for
their initial designation, it has become quite clear that the values for which
these areas were initially protected can be threatened by unmanaged or poorly
managed recreational use.
In the United States, formal
recognition of recreational use management questions occurred during the late
1950s. It was during that period that recreational use of national forests and
national parks grew at unprecedented rate. The rapid growth found managers, who
were trained primarily in
1 Paper presented at Workshop on
Impact Management in Marine Parks, sponsored by Maritime Institute of Malaysia,
August 13-14, 1996, Kuala Lumpur, MALA YSIA.
forestry, wildlife and range
management, unprepared for the resulting demands and impacts. As a framework
for structuring management response, it was only natural that such managers
would turn to carrying capacity as a paradigm or model of visitor management.
Such managers had a strong, biologically based educational background, and
generally went into these professions to avoid working with people, rather
than being attracted to the idea of managing recreational opportunities for
the benefits to people they produce. Therefore, it was a relatively easy
conceptual leap to visualizing the management problems induced by the hordes
of visitors coming to such areas as a function of the landscape's carrying
capacity being exceeded.
It was quickly recognized, even
by the most biologically oriented managers, however, that recreational
carrying capacity was comprised of at least two components: ( 1) a biophysical
component concerning impacts of visitors upon the resource, and (2) a social
element dealing with the type and quality of experience visitors received
during their visit. This recognition had the net effect of complicating
discussions about carrying capacities because little was known about visitor
experiences and the recreation production process, their interactions with
biophysical processes and conditions, and how establishing a carrying capacity
would deal with such questions.
Never-the-less, many managers
experimented with implementing carrying capacities, particularly on large
western U .S. whitewater rivers, where recreational growth during the
late 1960s and early 1970s could only be described as explosive. Such managers
implemented carrying capacities
The Limits of Acceptable Change
planning system (Stankey and others 1985) was initially designed to address
visitor management issues in the U .S .National Wilderness Preservation System
and was
Thus, Limits of Acceptable
Change as a planning system was viewed as a way for managers to confront and
resolve the complex issues of managing visitors to not only provide for the
experiences they seek, but to deal with the problems of their social and
biophysical impacts. It has been slightly more than a decade since LAC was
first implemented in the U.S. and a great deal knowledge has been gained that
can provide a foundation for how it might be used in other social and
biophysical contexts. The objectives of this paper are to (1) briefly state
the visitor impact principles upon which the LAC process is constructed; (2)
review the LAC process itself; and (3) provide an overview of experiences and
issues associated with LAC in the U .S. It should be noted that
national protected
Concepts and Principles
The LAC system is, in effect,
built upon eleven principles that have emerged from research on
visitor impacts and growing public interest to be involved in protected area decision-making. While these principles had not entirely been formally and explicitly articulated when the LAC process was developed, they are now unmistakably recognized as fundamental components of any systematic planning system for natural area protection and management. In this section, each principle will be briefly discussed.2
Principle 1:
Appropriate Management Depends Upon Objectives
A clear and consistent theme
expressed throughout the literature of visitor management in protected areas has
been the need for explicitly stated objectives (Brown and others 1987; Manning
1986). Objectives provide definitive statements of the products or outcomes of
recreation or protected area management. Objectives, either as formal statements
of legislative or administrative policy or as explicit assertions in a
management plan identify the appropriateness of management actions and indicate
acceptable resource and social conditions. Formally stated objectives allow
protected area managers to determine how successful management actions may have
been in resolving problems. Manning ( 1986) argues that
objectives provide an answer to the question of how much change is acceptable by
deciding what types of recreation experience a particular recreation area should
provide, the feel of naturalness of environmental conditions, the kind of
experience offered, and the intensity of management practices.
While clearly the context for
the above concerned management of recreational uses, other uses and values would
benefit from clearly established objectives. Unfortunately, writing good
objectives is not easy; while people tend to agree about general values and
concepts, specific and explicit objectives are likely to evoke considerable
disagreement about what it is to be accomplished or produced at a recreation
site. It should be noted that the process of establishing objectives is an
intrinsically political one, and therefore methods that include interaction with
those affected will help develop objectives upon which a consensus can be
Principle 2:
Diversity in Resource and Social Conditions in Protected Areas Is Inevitable
and M ay be Desirable resource and social conditions
within any relatively large protected area are not likely to be uniform. Impacts, use levels,
and expectations of appropriate conditions tend to vary (for example,
2 Much of this section is
adapted from McCool (1989).
see Martin and others 1989
concerning variability in acceptable campsite impact conditions in the
periphery v s .the center of a wilderness). Topography, vegetation and
access influence use densities and level of impact. Visitor use is frequently
unevenly distributed. This diversity of conditions is inevitable, and
sometimes desirable. For example, in large terrestrial protected areas, it
generally would not be desirable to have developments spread evenly across the
area, leaving no place untouched. The interior areas of protected areas often
display fewer human-induced impacts than the periphery .Managers can identify
this diversity and then make decisions on its desirability, thus separating
technical decisions from judgmental ones. Finally, Haas and others (1987)
argue that managing for diversity explicitly through some type of zoning
process is more likely to lead to preservation of protected area values than
existing implicit or de facto zoning.
Principle 3:
Management is Directed at Influencing Human-Induced Change
Many protected areas have been
established to protect not only unique and valuable natural features and
conditions, but natural processes as well. Management is generally oriented
toward limiting and managing human-induced changes in these. It is
human-induced changes that we find most disturbing in protected areas. Such
human-induced changes may lead to conditions that visitors or managers may
feel are unacceptable or inappropriate. Management then concerns itself with
determining what actions will be effective in influencing the amount, type and
location of these changes in addition to determining how much change is
Principle 4:
Impacts on Resource and Social Conditions Are Inevitable Consequences of
Human Use
A variety of research has shown
that relatively small amounts of recreational use lead to disproportionately
large biophysical impacts (Cole 1987). Thus, allowing any level of recreation
in a protected area means that some level of impact will occur. Thus, the
principal question that managers must ask is "how much impact is
acceptable in this area?" Once this question has been addressed,
managers must then deal with the appropriateness of various techniques or
actions to manage to this level of impact. In a similar way, social impacts
often occur with relatively small amounts of use. For example, a few people
behaving in a rowdy manner may impact another visitor's experience far more
than many people being more quiet. This principal extends to types of visitors
as well. Lucas ( 1964) found that canoeists in Minnesota' s Boundary Waters
Canoe Area were more sensitive to encountering motorboaters than larger
numbers of canoeists.
Principle 5:
Impacts M ay be Temporally or Spatially Discontinuous
Impacts from visitor use or management activities may occur offsite and may not be visible until later. For example, a management strategy eliminating camping around a lake may simply transfer impacts to other, potentially, more sensitive areas. Inefficient water treatment may result in pollution of water downstream from the outlet. And, impacts, such as dying vegetation, may not be visible until long after recreationists leave the site. Such tendencies make understanding and managing impacts significantly more difficult, demand substantial knowledge about use-impact relationships at different scales, and require managers to carefully design appropriate monitoring strategies.
While the level of recreational
use is an important consideration in managing protected areas, a variety of
other variables affect the use/impact relationship. For example, it has long
been known that behavior of recreationists influences the amount of impact they
cause. In marine settings, treading water with flippers may stir up sand that
may impact coral. Other variables include travel method, group size, season of
use, and a variety of soil and vegetation characteristics. Similarly, there may
be coral settings that are more or less sensitive to recreational use. What this
principle means is that the standard errors around lines depicting use/impact
relationships will be extremely large because of these other factors and that
attempts to control human-induced impacts solely through use limits or carrying
capacities may fail. Education and information programs and regulations aimed at
changing visitor behavior may be more effective.
Principle 7:
Many Management Problems Are Not Use Density Dependent
Management problems that relate
to the number of people using an area tend to be those that have relatively
simple technological solutions, such as sewage, water supply and parking. Even
for some of these, however, the intensity of the problem may not be linearly
related to amount of use. For example, per capita consumption of water for
sewage disposal may be reduced by using toilets with low water requirements. The
lack of a precise linear relationship between use and biophysical impact implies
that management problems are not density dependent.
Similar conclusions can be made
with respect to social conditions. For many visitors to back country areas of
national protected areas, solitude is not a significant or salient motivation (Stankey
and McCool1984 ). Thus, controlling use levels to optimize opportunities for
solitude would be inappropriate.
Principle 8:
Limiting Use is Only One of Many Management Options
One of the problems with the
carrying capacity approach is its emphasis on controlling or limiting the number
of visitors as a key to limiting impacts (Stankey and McCool1991 ). Because
carrying capacity carries with it the question " how many is too many ?
/I, it tends to view imposition ofuse limits as an end in itself. A use limit
policy is only one of a number of potential management actions that are
available to address visitor impacts, yet is one of the most intrusive actions
that managers could deploy. Use limit policies have historically carried with
them a host of additional problems, such as choosing appropriate allocation and
rationing techniques. These techniques have been among the most controversial
actions protected area managers in the United States have ever taken (McCool and
Ashor 1984).
Principle 9:
Monitoring is Essential to Professional Management
Monitoring, in an informal
sense, has historically been a component of the protected area manager's job.
However, monitoring has generally been conducted informally, with little
systematic planning and implementation. Monitoring is defined as the period and
systematic measurement of key indicators of biophysical and social conditions.
It performs two major functions in the LAC process. First, it allows managers to
maintain a formal record of resource and social conditions over time. In serving
this function, data points can inform managers of changes in these conditions
rather than
relying solely on infonnal
perceptions of changes that might have occurred. This is particularly
important in situations where managers change frequently or where effects are
slow to develop. Second, it helps assess the effectiveness of management
actions. Thus, monitoring helps managers understand, in a relatively objective
way, if the action addressed the problem.
Principle 10:
The Decision-Making Process Should Separate Technical Decisions from Value
Many decisions confronting
protected area managers are simply technical in nature, such as the number of
toilets in a campground, the location of a trail, or the design of a visitor
center. However , many others, including decisions to limit use (and how),
reflect judgments about values-such as objectives for an area, spacing between
campsites, types of facilities, or the kind of recreation opportunities to be
provided. It is important in decision-making that these means-ends decisions
not get confused. Decision processes should separate questions of "what
is" from "what should be".
For example, identifying the
range of diversity in resource or social conditions that exists within a
protected area is a different task from determining the preferred range of
diversity. Existing conditions may influence preferred conditions, but the two
tasks should be kept separate.
Principle 11:
Consensus among Affected Groups about Proposed Actions is Needed for
Successful Implementation of Protected Area Management Strategies
Managing visitor impacts in
national protected areas within the U .S .occurs within a context of
increasing public concern about both environmental quality and participation
in government decision-making. While the First Amendment to the U .S.
Constitutions guarantees that citizens have the right to petition the
government for grievances, there are no other explicit and specific
constitutional guarantees of citizen involvement in governmental decision
process Yet, increasing political polarization and conflict over natural
resources indicates that successful decisions--ones
that can be implemented--require
not only a systematic and technical problem-solving process but also one that
incorporates public participation as well. Within the highly charged social
and political contexts that protected area management frequently occur,
technical planning processes tend to create more in the way of disagreement
than agreement because proposed actions may adversely affect some well-defined
value expressed by a group within the public.
While the LAC system does not specifically require public participation, in its first full application in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in the state of Montana (McCool and Ashor 1984; Stankeyand others 1984; Stokes 1990) public participation based on John Friedmann' s theory of trans active planning ( 1973) was used as a fundamental component of the planning effort. The lessons from that experience suggest that the legal power to plan and implement is separated from the power to implement. Individual interest groups have "veto" power over proposed actions. As Friedmann ( 1995) most recently argues, planning is political and must proceed specifically with this acknowledgment. Thus, a consensus ("grudging agreement") is needed for protected area agency to implement.
The Limits of Acceptable Change
Planning System
The Limits of Acceptable Change
planning system was developed over a period of years in the early 1980s to
address the problems of managing recreational use in national protected areas
and as originally articulated (Stankey and others 1985) contained includes
four major components:
( I) the specification of
acceptable and achievable resource and social conditions,
defined by a
series of measurable parameters; (2) an analysis of the
relationship between existing conditions and those judged acceptable; (3) identification
of management
necessary to achieve these conditions; and (4) a
program of monitoring and evaluation of management effectiveness (Stankey
and others 1985).
The four components are then
expanded into nine distinct steps for the purpose of improving the
effectiveness of its implementation. For some protected area management
agencies, these steps closely follow existing planning processes, while for
others the LAC system may represent a significant departure. What is important
is that planners understand the rationale for each step and its sequence in
the overall process. By clearly understanding the rationale, the steps can be
modified as needed. This section provides a brief overview of each step.3 For
greater detail, the reader is referred to Stankey and others (1985).
(1) Identify area special
values, issues, and concerns. Citizens and managers meet to identify what
special features or qualities within the area require attention, what
management problems or concerns have to be dealt with, what issues the public
considers important in the area's management, and what role the area plays in
both a regional and national context. Scientists also become involved because
they may often hold information not readily available. Th,e dialogue among
scientists, managers and public helps unify agreement about important values
and issues. This step encourages a better understanding of the natural
resource base, such as the sensitivity of marine environments to recreation
use and tourism development, a general concept of how the resource could be
managed, and a focus on principal management issues. LAC is very much an
issue-driven process; issues identified here will be addressed later .
(2) Identify and describe
recreation opportunity classes or zones. Most marine settings of
sufficient size contain a diversity of biophysical features, such as reefs,
underwater cliffs, corals, beaches and evidence of human occupation and use.
They may vary significantly in terms of the amount and type of development.
Likewise, social conditions, such as level and type of use, and types of
recreation experiences, vary from place to place. The type of management
needed may vary throughout the area. Opportunity classes describe subdivisions
or zones of the natural resource where different social, resource, or
managerial conditions will be maintained. For example, deeper reef settings
will require SCUBA gear while in shallower areas snorkels may be adequate. The
shal- lower areas may also show more impact from human use, such as effects on
coral, than deeper areas. The classes that are developed represent a way of
defining a range of diverse conditions within the marine setting. And, while
diversity is the objective here, it is important to point out that the
conditions found in all cases must be consistent with the objectives laid out
in the area's organic legislation or decree. In this step, the number of
classes are also defined as well as their general resource, social, and
managerial conditions.
3 This section adapted from
Stankey and McCool ( 1992).
(3) Select indicators of
resource and social conditions. Indicators are specific elements of the re-
source or social setting selected to represent ( or be "indicative of') the
conditions deemed appropriate and acceptable in each opportunity class. Because
it is impossible to measure the condition of and change in every resource or
social feature within a protected marine setting, a few indicators are selected
as measures of overall health, just as we relatively frequently monitor our
blood pressure rather than more complete tests of blood chemistry .Indicators
should be easy to measure quantitatively, relate to the conditions specified by
the opportunity classes and reflect changes in recreational use. Indicators are
an essential part of the LAC framework because their state reflects the overall
condition found throughout an opportunity class. It is important to understand
that an individual in- dicator might not adequately depict the condition of a
particular area. It is the bundle of indicators that is used to monitor
(4) Inventory existing
resource and social conditions. Inventories can be time-consuming and
expensive components of planning; indeed they usually are. In the LAC process,
the inventory is guided by the indicators selected in step 3. For example, level
and type of development, use density, and human-induced impacts on coral might
be measured. Other variables, such as location of different corals, shipwrecks,
docks, and mooring spots, can also be inventoried to develop a better
understanding of area constraints and opportunities. And, inventory information
will be helpful later when evaluating the consequences of alternatives.
Inventory data are mapped so both the condition and location of the indicators
are known. The inventory also helps managers establish realistic and attainable
standards. By placing the inventory as step 4, planners avoid unnecessary data
(5) Specify standards for
resource and social conditions in each opportunity class. In this step, we
identify the range of conditions for each indicator considered appropriate and
acceptable for each opportunity class. By defining those conditions in
measurable terms, we provide the basis for establishing a distinctive and
diverse range of marine settings. Standards serve to define the "limits of
acceptable change." They are the maximum permissible conditions that will
be allowed in a specific opportunity class. They are not necessarily objectives
to be attained. The inventory data collected in step 4 play an important role in
setting standards. We want the standards defining the range of acceptable
conditions in each opportunity class to be realistic and attainable; we also
want them to do more than mimic existing (unacceptable) conditions.
(6) Identify alternative
opportunity class allocations. Most attractive marine settings could be
managed in several different ways. Marine parks often differ significantly in
the amount of development, human density (both residents and visitors ), and
recreational opportunities available. In this step, we begin to identify some
different types of alternatives. Using information from step 1 (area issues and
concerns) and step 4 (inventory of existing conditions ), managers and citizens
can begin to jointly explore how well different opportunity class allocations
address the various contending interests, concerns, and values.
(7) Identify management
actions for each alternative. The alternative allocations proposed in step 6
are only the first step in the process of developing a preferred alternative. In
addition to the kinds of conditions that would be achieved, both managers and
citizens need to know what management actions will be required to achieve the
desired conditions. In a sense, step 7 requires an analysis of the costs,
broadly defined, that will be imposed by each alternative. For example, many
people may find attractive the alternative to protect a specific area from any
development, and restore to pristine
condition any impacts that might
exist. However, this alternative might require such a huge commitment of funds
for acquisition and enforcement that the alternative might not seem as
(8) Evaluation and selection
of a preferred alternative. With the various costs and benefits of the
several alternatives before them, managers and citizens can proceed to the
evaluation stage, and the managing authority, based on guidance from the
public, can select a preferred alternative. Evaluation must take into
consideration many factors, but examples would include the responsiveness of
each alternative to the issues identified in step 1, management requirements
from step 7, and public preferences. It is important that the factors figuring
into the evaluation process and their relative weight be made explicit and
available for public review.
(9) Implement actions and
monitor conditions. With an alternative finally selected, and articulated
as policy by decision-makers, the necessary management actions (if any) are
put into effect and a monitoring program instituted. Often, an implementation
plan, detailing actions, costs, timetable, and responsibilities, will be
needed to ensure timely implementation. The monitoring program focuses on the
indicators selected in step 3, and compares their condition with those
identified in the standards. This information can be used to evaluate the
success of actions. If conditions are not im- proving, the intensity of the
management effort might need to be increased or new actions implemented.
The LAC process, in summary ,
provides a framework for thinking about issues of recreation development and
management. It is a framework, we believe, that recognizes the intrinsic
complexity of development issues, yet provides the process to competently deal
with this complexity without being excessively reductionistic. By combining
the technical expertise of planners and scientists with valuable personal
knowledge held by the local public, LAC can result in more defensible
decisions that have greater chances of implementation.
Experience in the United States
with Limits of Acceptable Change
The Limits of Acceptable Change
planning system was first implemented in its entirety in the Bob Marshall
Wilderness complex in the state of Montana, USA. This protected area is a
large, undeveloped area comprising about 682,000 hectares lying astride the
continental divide. It is characterized as containing a number of mountain
ranges, the headwaters of several major rivers, the presence of nearly all
indigenous wildlife species, and relatively low levels of recreational use.
The area contains about 2500 km of designated trails and over 1500 inventoried
campsites. Four national forests manage the three wildernesses comprising the
complex (Bob Marshall, Scapegoat and Great Bear). Under the leadership of the
Forest Service, the agency began implementing the LAC system in 1982. The then
staff officer for wilderness on one of the national forests, proposed that the
LAC process be combined with Friedmann's (1973) theory of trans active
planning (see Stokes 1990 for an historical review). That process took about
five years to complete, but set the standard for wilderness management in the
U .S. because the combination of public participation and LAC was so
successful (Ashor 1985; McCool and Ashor 1984).
Since the initial application of
LAC, it has formed the basis for nearly all the protected area management
planning in the U .S. Forest Service. Krumpe and Stokes ( 1993) report
that 75% of 57 national forests six western U .S .states are applying LAC on
wildernesses under their jurisdiction with another 19% anticipating to use it.
Other agencies administering protected areas, such as the
Bureau of Land Management have
also used LAC as a basis for management planning. The National Park Service
has recently adopted a derivative of LAC, called Visitor Experience and
Resource Protection (National Park Service 1993) to guide General Management
Planning of national parks. Thus, nearly all major national protected area
management agencies in the U .S. have recognized that a systematic process
built upon the principles identified earlier is needed to preserve ( or
restore where needed) the important values for which these areas were
But, how has the process worked?
What barriers has it faced? Has it been effective? How well does it work with
public involvement? What about applying LAC concepts to protected areas other
than designated wilderness ? These are important questions because previous
experiences can provide protected area managers in other settings with hints
about the challenges they face and clues to more effective applications. While
it has been more than a decade since the initiation of the fIrst full
application, no systematic and rigorously disciplined assessments exist, with
the possible exceptions of McCoy and others (1995) and Parker (n.d.). Thus,
the following evaluation is necessarily impressionistic. There are five major
items that we have learned over the last decade. Each will be briefly
discussed along with some ideas about how to address the item.
LAC was
originally designed to manage recreational use in wilderness, but its utility
extends far beyond this challenge
The publication of the original
statement about Limits of Acceptable Change (Stankey and others 1985)
emphasized managing recreational use in designated Wilderness. However, the
concepts and principles forming the foundation for the system can be extended
to other resource issues. For example, McCool ( 1994) has adapted the process
to managing nature dependent tourism development, and this process is
currently being tested in southwestern Oregon in the U .S. to identify a
tourism policy for a local county. LAC has also been used by the B ureau of
Land Management in southeastern Idaho along the South Fork of the Snake River
to structure planning for a sensitive and ecologically significant riparian
area. As noted above, the U .S. National Park Service has adapted LAC and
another similar process to address management of visitors in components of the
national park system. This system was initially tested in Arches National Park
in the state of Utah (National Park Service 1995) and is currently forming the
basis for several additional General Management Plans, including that for
Glacier National Park in Montana. The challenge for natural resource and
protected area managers is to clearly understand the principles and concepts
underlying the idea of limits of acceptable change and then design the
processes needed to implement an LAC-based planning system in different
public participation has become one of the hallmarks of successful LAC-based
planning in the U.S.
As originally conceived and
developed, the LAC planning system represented the traditional
rational-comprehensive approach to planning. However, its initial application
in the Bob Marshall Wilderness included an intimate public involvement
component. This public involvement process, based on Friedmann's theory of
trans active planning (1973), lead to not only ownership by affected publics
in the plan, but probably a better plan as well. Many of the LAC planning
efforts for designated Wilderness following the initial effort also included
similar intense public participation. In the assessment reported by McCoy and
others (1995), about 43% of the 23 LAC-based wilderness planning efforts they
reviewed included a citizen task force component. They noted that
There is a
lack of understanding of implementation of LAC
While LAC has been viewed as a
way of resolving a number of protected area management problems by upper level
management, its implementation is often viewed as additional work by field level
personnel, and therefore, resisted. This feeling is a result of two factors.
First, field level personnel have often been excluded from the LAC planning
process, and therefore do not have any ownership in it. People cannot be
expected to support that which they do not understand, and they do not
understand that in which they have not been involved. Thus, field personnel may
view actions proposed as a result of LAC-based planning as additional work.
Second, LAC was not designed to be implemented as additional work, but to
restructure existing workloads and activities. With the monitoring that is
required in the process, field level personnel may have their daily activities
redirected and provided more structure. Thus, the monitoring that goes with LAC
may now be viewed as critical to protection of the area. Monitoring may then
replace other activities which are not directed toward protection. Under an
LAC-based plan, many current activities will be continued, but with potentially
different reasons, some activities will be eliminated or transferred to other
staff areas, and still other work activities may be initiated.
of LAC will require some change in existing bureaucratic procedures
Limits of Acceptable Change
represents a new way of thinking about protected area management. The change
from former approaches to LAC requires consideration of how the existing
bureaucracy will need to be changed to support this approach. Experience in the
U .S. suggests three major changes. First, training managers in LAC though a
short course provides an excellent introduction, but managers need continuing
support as they gain experience and begin to ask new questions. Development and
transfer of knowledge is an important requisite to successful implementation.
This expertise can be centered in universities or in the protected area agencies
themselves, but it must exist and be accessible.
Second, personnel transfer
policies which lead to short tenures in specific positions mean that protected
area managers may move into positions where LAC has been implemented but they
themselves have little background or experience in the system. The effect of
these policies is to gradually eliminate or dilute the area-oriented learning
that occurred with the implementation of LAC, and a return to former management
paradigms in an incremental manner .
A third issue is funding. Implementation of LAC, as with other planning systems represents an investment. While this may take funds away from other activities initially, its payoff is in increased protection of important values. Coupled with an active public involvement program as in the Bob Marshall example, it also results in increased public support for implemented management actions.
LAC provides a framework guiding
policy relevant research
Increasingly, researchers are
turning to the Limits of Acceptable Change system to guide potential research
questions and projects. For example, identification of indicators has become a
focus of several recent projects where LAC or VERP has been implemented. Lime
and others ( 1994) used computerized visual imaging techniques to identify
appropriate indicators and suggest standards of acceptable social conditions
for certain areas in Utah's Arches National Park. Roggenbuck and others (
1993) also examined a similar question for three wilderness areas, finding
that litter, damaged trees and human-induced noise were more important
indicators of social conditions than encounters with other people.
LAC thus expands its utility by
suggesting research questions and issues that will provide useful information
to protected area managers. Such questions relevant indicators, acceptable
conditions, important values, acceptability of management actions can all be
informed through research.
Limits of acceptable change does
represent a dramatically different way of conceptualizing problems compared to
the recreational carrying capacity framework. However, in and of itself, LAC
provides only a framework for identifying appropriate management actions. It
does not determine what should be done, by whom, or where. Thus, there is
still a need for manager, public and scientific expertise. What LAC does well
is help frame management questions in ways more effective than the past. While
some may complain that the system is too complex, this complaint originates
more from a lack of understanding than the intrinsic concept itself.
Understanding the principles upon which LAC is based leads to a set of
possible changes in the planning system more compatible with specific agency
needs and capabilities.
LAC in the U .S. has been
frequently associated with detailed public participation programs. These
programs have contributed to its successful implementation because they have
enhanced opportunities for mutualleaming, created ownership in the plan by the
public, and resulted in "better" plans. The appropriateness of
public participation is a culturally determined decision, so applicability to
Malaysian situations must be assessed. The challenge for protected area
managers is to adapt basic principles of impact management to their situation.
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